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welcome to pindi

Rawalpindi | Raasty

History :

A city saturated with history and custom, remains a demonstration of the perseverance of time and the rich embroidery of Pakistan’s social legacy. From old civic establishments to present-day times, pindi has seen the rhythmic movement of societies, realms, and human advancements, making a permanent imprint on its scene.

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 Memorabilia  Home:

If walls could talk, the pindi Memorabilia Home would portray a story that rises above time, winding around together the rich embroidery of pindi’s set of experiences and culture. This novel home stands as a residing demonstration of the city’s legacy, protecting recollections and relics that transport guests on a nostalgic excursion through the ages.

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Rawalpindi Memorabilia Home
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Famous Restaurant in Rawalpindi:

  • Khiva Revolving Restaurant
  • Chaaye Khana
  • wild rice restaurant

Famous places

Cricket stadium

Raja Bazaar

Ayub National Park

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