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Welcome To Samundri

Samundri city

History of Samundri:

Embarking on a literal odyssey, Samundri, Pakistan, unfurls its narrative as a city rooted in the annals of timepositioned in the heart of the South Asian key, Seh Mundri history weaves a tale of ageartistic admixture, and the continuing spirit of its occupants.

Harappa Museum:

Nestled in the historical tapestry of Pakistan, the Harappa Museum stands as a testament to the ancient wonders that once thrived in the Indus Valley Civilization. Situated near the archaeological site of Harappa, this museum is a captivating repository of artefacts and insights that unravel the mysteries of one of the world’s oldest urban cultures.

Harappa Museum
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Famous Restaurant & café

In the heart of Seh Mundri , a culinary haven awaits, inviting locals and visitors alike to experience the flavours of the town—the distinguished “Seh Mundri Bistro & Café.” This renowned establishment transcends the realms of a mere eatery, emerging as a cultural hub where gastronomy meets community.

Experience Samundri:

Iqbal Cricket Stadium

Jinnah Gardens

Dakkan Park

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