
History of Kasur District

History of Kasur District

Kasur District likewise Romanized as Qasūr; from the pluralized Arabic word Qasr signifying “castles” or “strongholds” is a city south of Lahore, in the Pakistani region of Punjab. The city fills in as the base camp of Kasur Region. Kasur is the sixteenth biggest city in Punjab and the 24th biggest in Pakistan, by populace. It is otherwise called the internment spot of the seventeenth-century Sufi artist Bulleh Shah. It is farther west of the line with adjoining India, and boundaries to Lahore, Sheikhupura, and Okara Areas of Punjab. The city is a collection of 26 braced villas disregarding the alluvial valleys of the Beas and Sutlej waterways.

Etymology of Kasur District:

Kasur gets its name from the Arabic and Persian word qasur (قصور), signifying “royal residences,” or “posts.” As indicated by a legend, Kasur was established by, and named for, Ruler Kusha of the Ramayana, child of the Hindu gods Rama and Sita. As indicated by that record, the city was named Kashawar alongside its adjoining city, Lahore which was named Lahawar. Verifiable records reject an old establishment of the city and date it back to 1525 when it was found as a braced settlement.

History of Kasur District:

Kasur City

Kasur City


The Kasur area was an agrarian locale with backwoods during the Indus Valley progress. The Kasur locale was governed differently by the Maurya Domain, Indo-Greek realm, Kushan Realm, Gupta Realm, White Huns, Kushano-Hephthalites, and Kabul Shahi realms. The locale is likewise said to have been visited by the Chinese traveler Xuanzang in 633 Promotion. Alexander Cunningham expounds on his visit depicting the spot loaded up with burial chambers, and mosques, and thickly covered with ruins. The city which is generally regularly connected with Kasur was depicted as being arranged someplace on the right bank of the Beas (Sutlej) inverse to the city of Lahore.

Arrival of Islam:


In 1005 CE, King Mahmud of Ghazni assumed control over the locale under the Ghaznavid administration. This prompted the presentation of Islam in the Northern Punjab region, in the wake of being conquered.[citation needed] Sufi teachers were shipped off the locale to teach Islam which made the Punjab district transcendently Muslim. The city was later subject to the authority of the Delhi Sultanate and the Mughals. District cities are the best for information.

Kheshgi Dynasty:

Kasur District was laid out as a city by the Kheshgi clan of Pashtuns from Kabul who had moved to the locale in 1525 from Afghanistan during the reign of Babur and constructed a few little posts nearby, laying out the Kheshgi chieftaincy. The city was worked as a collection of around twelve invigorated villages, known as kots (کوٹ) shaping an extensive town. The 12 mahallahs (residences) were worked at the request of the Mughal Ruler Akbar, and named after the heads of different Pashtun families. A portion of these strongholds have been seriously harmed over the long haul.

Under Mughal rule, the city thrived and was striking for business and exchange. It turned into the home of the unbelievable Sufi holy person and celebrated writer, Bulleh Shah, who is covered in an enormous place of worship in the city. After the decay of the Mughal Realm, the Kasur locale fell into a power vacuum. Kasur was caught by Ahmad Shah Durrani of the Durrani Domain.


The Sikhs terminated the city in 1747 under Jassa Singh Ahluwalia, and again in 1763 after Durrani moved to Afghanistan. The Sikh Domain under Ranjit Singh, caught the city in 1807 in the Skirmish of Kasur. During the Principal Somewhat English Sikh Conflict, the city was involved by Organization powers on February 10, 1846. District cities are the best for information.


During the English Raj, water system channels were assembled that inundated huge regions of the Kasur Locale. Collective aggravations between Sikhs, Hindus, and Muslims ejected in 1908 over the issue of meat deals. Riots emitted following the Jallianwala Bagh slaughter on 13 April 1919, prompting the annihilation of the metro foundation, including the city’s rail line station. Military regulation was forced on 16 April 1919 in light of the uproars.


After the arrangement of Pakistan in 1947, the minority Hindus and Sikhs relocated to India, while Muslim displaced people moved from India and got comfortable in Kasur. Kasur arose as a significant focus of calfskin tanning after freedom and is home to 1/third of Pakistan’s tanning industry.

Kasur District is one of the greatest markets and exchange centers in the nation for conceal assortment and cowhide tanning and handling. Lately, conceal merchants in Kasur were participated in carrying jackass stows away, a therapeutic interest, to China through Karachi Port.

In January 2018, two protestors were killed in revolt over the assault and murder of Zainab Ansari, a seven-year-old young lady. There had been 12 comparable homicides in the beyond two years, five of which have been connected to one suspect, prompting far and wide outrage at police failures.

In November 2020, Russia supported a 1,122-km high-tension RLNG pipeline from Port Qasim, Karachi to Kasur. In May 2021, Islamabad and Moscow consented to change the name of the North-South Gas Pipeline Undertaking to “Pakistan Stream Gas Pipeline”. District cities are the best for information.

Geography of Kasur District:

History of Kasur:

History of Kasur:

Kasur is lined toward the north by Lahore, and by India toward the south and east, it likewise has borders with the Okara and Nankana Sahab regions. The city is contiguous to the boundary of Ganda Singh Wala, a line with its banner bringing down service. District cities are the best for information.


Kasur is arranged in a subtropical thistle forest biome (Northwestern thistle scour backwoods) and in the Deserts and xeric shrublands ecoregion as per the Overall Asset for Nature’s guide of biological locales on the planet. Kasur district is the best for information.

Tourist Attractions:

Kasur Region brags an abundance of vacation spots that take care of history fans, nature darlings, and profound searchers the same. Guests can investigate old milestones, for example, the Kasur Stronghold, an image of the city’s celebrated past, or set out on a journey to the loved holy place of Baba Bulleh Shah.

Nature fans can wander into the pleasant wide open encompassing Kasur, where verdant fields, wandering waterways, and rich plantations offer a serene retreat from the buzzing about of metropolitan life. The Kasur Region is additionally home to the beautiful Ganda Singh Wala Line, where guests can observe the day-to-day banner bringing down service among Pakistan and India, representing the longstanding social and political ties between the two countries.



Q: What is the meaning of Kasur’s name?

Ans: The name “Kasur” is derived from the Arabic word “Qasr,” signifying “palaces” or “fortresses,” mirroring the city’s set of experiences as a progression of strengthened settlements.

Q: Who was Bulleh Shah, and for what reason would he say he means a lot to Kasur?

Ans: Bulleh Shah was a seventeenth-century Sufi writer and scholar whose lessons keep on motivating millions all over the planet. His sepulcher in Kasur fills in as a journey site and an image of otherworldly edification.

Q: What are a few customary dishes of Kasur?

Ans: Kasuri methi, an assortment of fenugreek, is a culinary specialty of the locale. Other customary dishes incorporate saag (spinach curry), makki di roti (cornbread), and lassi (yogurt drink).

Q: What are some famous vacation destinations in Kasur Locale?

Ans: Vacation destinations in Kasur incorporate the Kasur Post, Baba Bulleh Shah’s sanctuary, the Ganda Singh Wala Boundary, and the grand field encompassing the city.

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