
The Multan pakistan’s great premier ancient city 1.

Multan of Pakistan's oldest city no.1

Multan: Unraveling the Historical Tapestry of Pakistan’s Oldest City


Multan’s , the ancient city that stands as a living testament to the ebb and flow of history, is a jewel in the crown of Pakistan. Rooted in antiquity, Multan’s history unfolds like a captivating narrative, each chapter marked by the footprints of great civilizations and the echoes of bygone eras. In this exploration, we delve into the rich historical tapestry of Multan, spanning millennia and spanning the rise and fall of empires.

Ancient Roots: The Indus Valley Civilization

Mulasthān origins are deeply intertwined with the cradle of civilization itself—the Indus Valley. Dating back to at least 3300 BCE, the city’s early roots lie in the ancient settlement of Harappa. Archaeological evidence suggests that Mulasthān was a significant center of trade and commerce during the heyday of the Indus Valley Civilization, its streets bustling with merchants and artisans.

The Mauryan Era: Multan as “Mulasthana”

As we fast forward through the annals of time, Mulasthān prominence comes to the fore during the Mauryan Empire. The city’s name, “Mulasthana,” finds mention in ancient Sanskrit texts, translating to the “abode of Sages.” This nomenclature reflects the city’s association with spiritual and intellectual pursuits, a theme that resonates through the ages.

Multan under the Ghaznavids and Ghurids

The medieval period witnesses Multan undergoing a series of transformations under the rule of the Ghaznavid and Ghurid dynasties. The city’s strategic location on the crossroads of Central Asia and the Indian subcontinent made it a coveted prize for ambitious rulers. The citadel of Mulasthān, standing tall amidst the landscape, served as a sentinel guarding the riches within.

Mughal Splendor: Architectural Marvels

Multan’s reached the zenith of its glory during the Mughal era. The reign of Akbar the Great saw the construction of architectural marvels that still grace the cityscape today. The Grand Mosque of Mulasthān, an epitome of Mughal craftsmanship, stands as a testament to the era’s architectural prowess. Its intricate tile work and delicate carvings transport visitors to a bygone era of opulence and grandeur.

The Sikh Rule: Multan under Ranjit Singh

In the early 19th century, Mulasthān witnessed a shift in power dynamics with the rise of the Sikh Empire under Maharaja Ranjit Singh. The city became a stronghold of the Sikh forces, and its history during this period is marked by the clash of empires vying for control over the fertile plains of the Punjab region.

Colonial Multan: British Influence and Independence

The colonial period ushered in a new chapter for Multan’s as the British East India Company extended its dominion. The city, with its rich agricultural hinterland, became a vital center for the British administration. The struggle for independence echoed through Mulasthān streets, and the city played a role in the eventual emancipation of the Indian subcontinent in 1947.

Modern Multan: A Cultural Confluence

In the post-independence era, Multan’s has emerged as a vibrant hub that seamlessly blends tradition with modernity. The city’s bazaars, with their labyrinthine lanes, continue to evoke the spirit of commerce that has defined Mulasthān for centuries. The shrines of Sufi saints, such as Bahauddin Zakariya and Shah Rukn-e-Alam, stand as beacons of spiritual enlightenment, drawing devotees from far and wide.

Cultural Heritage: The Multan of Today

Multan’s cultural heritage is not confined to the pages of history; it is a living, breathing entity that permeates every aspect of the city. From the vibrant festivals that celebrate the region’s agrarian roots to the exquisite craftsmanship displayed in its bazaars, Mulasthān remains a tapestry woven with threads of tradition and innovation.


In conclusion, Multan’s history is a saga of resilience and adaptation, a journey through time that has seen the city evolve and transform while retaining its essence. From the ancient streets of the Indus Valley to the Mughal splendors and the colonial echoes, Mulasthān historical tapestry is a mosaic of influences that have shaped its identity. As the city strides into the future, it carries with it the weight of centuries, a legacy that beckons explorers to unravel the layers of its storied past. Multan’s , with its ancient charm and modern vibrancy, stands as a testament to the enduring spirit of a city that has witnessed the march of time.

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